Thou art Inscrutable

After having read Covert Novelist’s piece on `Style’, I thought of  putting across the following lines composed more than a year ago (unpublished) to bring out a different perspective.

 Amidst unacceptable deprivation and squalor

The call for glamour

Whether in beseeching clamour

Or unconcerned shameless patter

From super-rich and rich quarters

Makes its presence felt

Thanks to fashion trends and designer dresses.

God is unconcerned.


Twelve billion dollars annually spent

By American women for defying gravity

In an attempt to augment

Reduce or lift the breasts as if, for eternity.

Millions spent on butt lift and augmentation

For ridiculously expensive designer dresses

Or botoxing their calves and thigh lift surgery

To fit into skinny jeans and

Huge sums spent on arm liposuction and designer feet1


The glamour’s worm eats into the Indian fabric

Of the nouveau rich and even the middle class

Whose wardrobes are stacked,

Clothes over flooding into divans and strewn bundles

Not knowing what to do in the limited space

Except some occasional philanthropic outbursts,

Donate the used clothes to the underprivileged.

God is amused.


Not so blessed are the rural poor

Grounded and downtrodden

Used clothes for the debt-ridden

Folks would be a distant dream.

Variety is His wont,

Even amongst the poor.


Men too have joined the race for skin-tightening

And other facial aesthetic procedures

Going for the squarer jaws and leaner faces,

And manly chins, a Botox for Facelift.2

God is nonchalant.


People who work sitting down

Get paid better than

People who work standing up3,

Yet God doesn’t blink.


The abject poverty

And its multifaceted shame

Of unsheltered, uncovered, starving millions

Is reduced to a cliché,

God is asleep.

Thou art inscrutable indeed.


  1. TOI, DelhiTimes,18June,`14
  2. The Eco Times,25August`14, male- grooming market in India, to zoom to Rs 5300 crores by 2016
  3. Ogden Nash


Salil Sanyal

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